What to do if you get a parking ticket

What to do if you get a parking ticket

In a bit of a shock due to some random parking ticket that you received? Well, there are various reasons as to how people can receive parking fines and some are more obvious than others. You may be completely oblivious as to why you even got the fine and how to appeal for it. Hence the reason for this article.

Despite parking tickets being a small amount for some and a huge amount for others, we can all agree that staying away from them is in everyone’s preference, which is why Place2Park has launched its service of providing affordable parking spaces so that you can avoid potential fines. It offers parking spaces at affordable prices so you can avoid paying expensive parking tickets and more importantly save yourself the worry of facing exorbitant parking fines.

Parked cars

What are the different types of parking tickets?

While we’ve already given you a run through of the key parking laws in the UK, nobody is expecting you to keep every single one of them in mind at all times. If you understand the different types of parking tickets that are issued with violations, you’ll essentially have a bit of a cheat sheet about how to avoid getting one. There are three types of parking fines in the UK, each of which can be incurred for slightly different reasons:

  • Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) are the most common type of parking notices - and may be the one you’re holding in your hand right now. These are issued by parking attendants that are employed by your local authority. Skip trying to scuffle or barter with these guys. Shooting the messenger won’t get you anywhere, so take up objections through the formal route instead, more on which later.
  • Parking Charge Notices These parking tickets are given by private landowners. For instance, if you park at a Euro Garages parking space, for longer than you are allowed, you could be handed one of these. For this reason, it is best to book a parking space prior to setting off for your journey via Place2Park.
  • Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) are parking tickets written by traffic officers that work for the local police force. Often, these are slightly more variable in nature than the other two types — penalties and payment deadlines depend on the offence, and how lenient the issuing officer is on the day.

The average cost of a parking ticket

Parking fines in the UK aren’t always the same but vary depending on certain factors such as where it was issued and/or who it was issued by.

The average parking fine in the UK ranges from £40-90. However, if it’s from a private landowner it could be as much as £100. 

The Council of London has made its parking laws a little more harsh than others; a parking fine in London can be anywhere between £80-160 depending on the seriousness of the offence.

Cities outside London tend to charge less. However, even those vary depending on the relevant laws issued by that respective council.

A good rule of thumb is to pay the parking fine within the first 14 days. In doing so, half of the amount will be deducted from your fine as it will be reduced by 50%. Therefore, rather than trying to fight your case (and possibly not winning), you’re better off paying half the fine within the first 2 weeks.

How do you appeal for a parking ticket?

If you feel that you do not deserve a parking ticket and have solid evidence to back you up, sending an appeal to your local council/police department may be the best option for you. Before doing so, it is best to first make sure that you are not in the wrong.

You’ll need some solid ground to stand on if you want a chance to have it overturned. We’re talking about actual photographs or additional documents that can back up your request. The following are a couple of viable reasons to lodge an appeal:

  • You had a medical emergency, and needed to stop somewhere illegally in order to resolve the situation.
  • Your car broke down somewhere, and you were waiting for assistance to arrive.
  • Faulty ticket machines at shopping centres, airports and other public spaces. We’ve all been there.
  • Covered road signs in the area. These are common, as are the incorrect fines that are issued from them.
  • You received an incorrect ticket, including a penalty for a car that isn’t registered to you, you weren’t even present (if happens!), or you’re just the unlucky victim of a system glitch.

Once you have your letter written, send it to your local council/police department and wait. If it isn’t answered within the first 14 days, it’s best to pay the amount to take advantage of the 50% “discount” as it will not be applicable later on. If the appeal isn’t answered in 56 days, the parking ticket has to be cancelled and any clamp fees will be refunded too.

What happens if you don’t pay a parking ticket?

If you don’t pay your parking ticket within the initial 28 days of receiving it, you have 2 weeks to pay the fine with an extra 50%. Yikes!

If you don’t pay this amount either, then don’t expect things to go your way. By ignoring the fine for the second time, you're indirectly inviting the court to get involved which will result in you forcefully having to pay along with losing points on your driver's license. Keep in mind, if you lose 12 points on your driver's license your license could be suspended.

Tips to avoid a parking ticket

If you’d like for your last parking ticket you got to be your last, there are a few general tips that are good to follow, which are:

  • Obey all traffic signs as rule #1, including keeping an eye on markings, time periods and so forth.
  • Avoid parking on double yellow lines wherever you are.
  • Avoid stopping on the pavement even if you're in a rush, as this will land you in hot water no matter where you are in the UK.
  • Blue Badge bays are a no-go, as these are designed for people with disabilities to have easier access to key locations.

That’s it! You’re officially equipped with what to do if you get a parking ticket, as well as how to avoid it happening in the first place.

Thanks for reading

The Place2park Team